Vassilis has composed more than 100 songs, 85 of them are on lyrics of the philologist and poet Maria Charalabidi, while the rest belong to various others lyricists. Vassilis’songs can be divided under four general categories:
Although divided in these categories, Vassilis’ songs usually do not perfectly match with the genre associated with each category and hence the latter are presented in quotation marks. The pieces have different influences and Vassilis has divided them in the above categories only for simplicity reasons. Some of them, although divided under a specific category, may just draw near to the genre of the category presented. The first three categories are self-explanatory. The last encompasses all songs that present the following characteristics: improvisation, unstable / unusual music forms, vocals being either at the same volume or less with the rest of the instruments used and finally the duration being over 5 minutes long. Below you can listen extracts from some songs. Please note that any of the songs provided are literary property of Vassilis Ketentzoglou, are protected by internationally valid copyright and may not (in whole or in part) be used (copied, transmitted or otherwise reproduced) for any reason apart from personal hearing. Listen extracts of V. Ketentzoglou’s songs(Files in Windows Media Player format - [.wma])
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